Thursday, September 29, 2011

CyberEthiopia - Ethiopian News from the Internet - “ልጄ እንደ አባቱ የነፃነት ታጋይ እንደሚሆን አምናለሁ” ጋዜጠኛ ሰርካለም ፋሲል

79ኛችን ስንሰደድ አገር ቤት የቀሩት እጣ ፋንታቸው ወይ እንድ እስክንድር፣ውብሸት፣ርዕዮት ወዘተ በሽብርተኝነት ስም እስር ቤት መወርወር አለበለዚያም እንድእንትና ከገዥው ፓርቲ ጋር መሞዳሞድ ኢቺ ናት የመጻፍና የመናገር መብት የተረጋገጠባት አገር። ኧረ ባካችሁ ትንሽ ቆም ብላችሁ በግብጽ፡ሊቢያ፡ቱኒዚያ ጔደኞቻችሁ ከደረሰባቸው ቅሌት ተማሩ!!! አይነጋ መስሏት CyberEthiopia - Ethiopian News from the Internet - “ልጄ እንደ አባቱ የነፃነት ታጋይ እንደሚሆን አምናለሁ” ጋዜጠኛ ሰርካለም ፋሲል


  1. yes we put Eskndr becose he is terrerist.we put all OLF, ONLF Gunbot sebat..not yuour prablem. stuped, we fait 17yers to gives yuo demokrasy, fredom, pice, praivate newspeper all- now wat yuo want?????came, we shaws yuo. yuo krazy, stuped, adgitat.
    awet nehafash

  2. wow, dude you have a lot of time:)why're sleepless?don't you have some other things to do? You can jail Eskinder and million other Ethiopians with doctored charges but this will not stop us from speaking out your crimes. Yeah, I know you fought 17yrs but that doesn't give you the right to torture, imprison, kill, starve us. what democracy are you talking about: let me guess the previous sham election in which your party won 100% votings? Yes, we'll fight tyranny from our PC!!! Gadaffi is gone, Mubarak is gone, Ben Ali is gone, Abdela Salah is on his way and now it's your turn. We've had enough of 20yrs of torture, killing, human rights abuses, starvation, exile, corruption, nepotism....
