Wednesday, February 26, 2014

የዘነቡ ታደሰ የትዊተር ገጽ "የተጠለፈው" ይቅርታ የተከረቸመው የለውጥ ሃዋርያ ወይስ ኢሞራላዊ ምኒስትር ስለሆኑ?

 መንግሥት አካውንታቸው ተጠልፏል እያለ ነው
የሴቶች፣ የሕፃናትና የወጣቶች ጉዳይ ሚኒስትሯ ወይዘሮ ዘነቡ ታደሰ የካቲት 17 ቀን 2006 .. በትዊተር ማኅበራዊ ገጻቸው ላይ፣ ‹‹በተወዳጇ አፍሪካዬ ውስጥ ጥላቻና መገለል ቦታ የላቸውም፡፡
የአለባበስ ሥርዓት ወይም የፀረ ተመሳሳይ ጾታ ተጓዳኞች ሕጐችን ማውጣት የመንግሥታት ሥራ አይደለም፤›› በሚል የወጣው መልዕክት አነጋጋሪ ሆኗል፡፡ መንግሥት ግን የሚኒስትሯ የትዊተር አካውንት መጠለፉን ገልጾ፣ ይህ መልዕክት የሚኒስትሯንም ሆነ የመንግሥትን አቋም አይወክልም ሲል

Sunday, February 23, 2014

አንድነት እና መኢአድ በባህር-ዳር በጠሩት ሰላማዊ ሰልፍ ላይ ከ15 ሺህ ህዝብ ተሳተፈ


የተለያዩ መፈክርሮች ያነገቡ ሰልፈኞች በባህር ዳር የአንድነት ፓርቲ ጽ/ቤት አካባቢ በመገኘት ሰልፉን ከ15 ሺህ የሚበልጥ ህዝብ ሰልፉን ተቀላቅሏል:: የአንድነት ፓርቲ ፕሬዝዳንት ኢ/ር ግዛቸው ሽፈራው፣ የመኢአድ ፕሬዝዳንት አቶ አበባው መሃሪ እንዲሁም የትብብር ለዴሞክራሲ ሰብሳቢ አቶ ግርማ በቀለ እንዲሁም የአንድነት ፓርቲ ብሄራዊ ምክር ቤት አባል የሆኑት አንጋፋው ፖለቲከኛ ዶ/ር ኃይሉ አርአያን ጨምሮ ሰልፉን በቀዳሚነት ሲመሩ ታይተዋል።
በአማራ ክልል የክልሉ ምክትል ፕሬዝዳንት እና የብአዴን ጽ/ቤት ሃላፊ አቶ አለምነው መኮንን በአማራ ህዝብ ላይ የሰነዘሩትን ዘለፋ በመቃወም ነው የባህር ዳር ሕዝብ በነቂስ ወጥቶ ሰላማዊ ሰልፍ ያደረገው።
ድል የህዝብ ነው!! ኢትዮጵያዊ አንድነታችን ከልዩነታችን በላይ ነው!!  ከባዶ ጭንቅላት ባዶ እግር ይሻላል!!  ብአዴን የአማራውን ሕዝብ አፍኖ መግዛት ያቁም!! የኢሀደግ አምባገነን አገዛዝ ሰልችቶናል!! የሚሉ መፈክሮችን ሲያሰሙ ነበር።

Saturday, February 22, 2014

Ethiopian pregnant Refugee to pay $880 for being Gang-raped by Six Sudanese men

A Sudanese court in Khartoum sentenced on Thursday, 18 years old pregnant Ethiopian refugee who was gang-raped by six thugs in September, to one month jail and 880 USD fine. It was learnt that the 7th accomplice filmed her while she was being raped with his cellphone and posted it on social media called WhatsApp. The girl is right now in the prison. She was three months pregnant while she was gang-raped. Hala AlKarib, regional Head of a women's rights groups called SIHA ( Strategic Initiative for Women in the Horn of Africa) told Deutsche Welle Radio Amharic service that the victim has been in prison for more than a month and she could give birth at anytime. She was charged with indecent acts and sentenced to one month on February 20, 2014. The woman was sentenced to a one-month jail term but this was suspended because she is pregnant, her lawyer, Samia al-Hashmi, told the AFP news agency and  the court ordered instead her to pay another 5,000 Sudanese Pound (880 USD) fine. The young woman had also faced charges of adultery and prostitution, which could have led to a penalty of death by stoning, but these were dropped after she convinced the court she was divorced, reports SIHA. She has not been freed yet even though the fine was paid. The rapists were seen in the clip showing a V sign and their middle fingers while she was being raped to express their disrespect. Answering how the Ethiopian pregnant woman was gang-raped, Ms Halla says the woman was house-hunting when she was lured to an empty property and attacked in Omdurman, just across the River Nile from Khartoum. When the victim was checking out the room, the broker phoned his friends and then they raped and filmed the sexual scene. The crime was committed in September but the 7th culprit shared the video on social media a month ago and that is how she was caught by the Sudanese police and put behind bars. The victim tried to report a crime to a police officer she met on the street right after the crime but she couldn't succeed due to language barrier as she speaks only broken Arabic. Halla said the refugee girl came to the Sudan recently,  adding that the victim might come to the country searching for a better life.” According to Sudanese law a raped woman will be charged with adultery. If both the victim and the rapists are unmarried, they shall be stoned. Ironically however, the men who raped the girl got 100 slashes and then released since of all them are singles. 
SIHA underscores that such miscarriage of justice in Sudan makes women and men victims of rape not to report the crime and in the meantime encourage rapists to get away with their crime.
It says she now faces deportation.

The group's regional director Hala Elkarib condemned the conviction, saying it would prevent women from reporting sexual abuse.

"The levelling of immigration charges against the victim further denies her protection by the state and protracts the punishment and emotional stress against her whilst she has been subjected to the most brutal of crimes," she said.
The Sudanese government is holding the Ethiopian girl in prison for allegedly entering the country illegally. The girl is in her 9th month pregnancy. 
Sudanese law is based on Sharia and women have been punished for wearing trousers or not covering their hair. 

Friday, February 21, 2014

የግንቦት 7 ከፍተኛ ባለስልጣን የኢትዮጵያ መንግሥት ኮምፕውተሬን ይሰልላል ሲሉ ከሰሱ መንግሥት ውንጀላውን አስተባበለ

የኢንተርኔት ሰበራ፣ ዘረፋ፣ ስለላ፣ ሌብነት፣ ጥፋት
የኢትዮጵያ መንግሥት የተራቀቁ የስለላ ሶፍትዌሮችን እየለቀቀባቸው የኮምፕዩተሮቻቸውን ይዘት እንደሚሠርቅ እና የግል ግንኙነቶቻቸውንም እንደሚከታተል በውጭ የሚኖሩ በርካታ ኢትዮጵያዊያን ስሞታዎችን እያሰሙ መሆናቸው እየተነገረ ነው፡፡
አንድ የዋሽንግተን ዲሲ አካባቢ ነዋሪ በዩናይትድ ስቴትስ ፌደራል ፍርድ ቤት በኢትዮጵያ መንግሥት ላይ ክሥ መመሥረታቸው፤ ሌላ አንድ ሰው ደግሞ ለእንግሊዝ ፖሊስ አቤቱታ ማስገባታቸው ታውቋል፡፡
ከትናንት በስተያ ማክሰኞ ዋሽንግተን ዲ.. ውስጥ በሚገኝ አንድ ፌደራል ችሎት የተከፈተ ዶሴ ከዚህ የስለላ አድራጎት ጀርባ ያለችው ኢትዮጵያ እንደሆነች ጠቁሞ ከሣሹ የአሥር ሺህ ዶላር የጉዳት ካሣ እንዲከፈለው ጠይቋል፡፡
እንግሊዝ ዋና ከተማ ለንደን ላይ በቀረበ ሌላ ክሥ እዚያ በስደት የሚኖሩትና የግንቦት ሰባት ሥራ አስፈፃሚ ኮሚቴ አባል መሆናቸውን የተናገሩት ታደሰ ኬርስሞ ሰኞ ዕለት ባስገቡት ማመልከቻ ፊንፊሸር የሚባለውን ሶፍትዌር የሚቀምረው ዋና ተቀማጭነቱ እንግሊዝ ውስጥ የሆነ ጋማ ግሩፕ እንዲመረመርላቸው ጠይቀዋል፡፡
ኢትዮጵያን ከእንዲህ ዓይነቱ የኢንተርኔት ስለላ ጋር የሚያያይዙ ማስረጃዎች የተሰባሰቡትና የተደራጁት ካናዳ ውስጥ በሚገኝ ሲቲዘን ላብ በሚባል ድርጅት ነው፡፡
በሌላ በኩል ደግሞ “የኢትዮጵያ መንግሥት የኮምፕዩተር ጠለፋ ወይም የስለላ ተግባር አያካሂድም” ሲሉ የውጭ ጉዳይ ሚኒስ
ቃል አቀባይ አምባሣደር ዲና ሙፍቲ ለቪኦኤ ገልፀዋል፡፡
ተጨማሪና ዝርዝር ዘገባውን ከተያያዘው የድምፅ ፋይል ያዳምጡ፡፡ 

ነፍሰጡር ኢትዮጵያዊቷ ስደተኛ በ6 ወንዶች መደፈሯ ሳያንስ እስራትና የ880$ ቅጣት ሱዳን ውስጥ ተፈረደባት፡ለመሆኑ የኢትዮጵያዊ ዋጋው ስንት ነው?

ሱዳን መዲና ካርቱም ውስጥ በ6 ጋጠወጦች የተደፈረችው ኢትዮጵያዊት ስደተኛ፣ ወጣት፣ ነፍሰጡር ለአንድ ወር እስር ቤት እንድትቆይ እና 950 ዶላር እንድትቀጣ ትናንት ተበየነባት። ወጣቷ ኢትዮጵያዊት ስትደፈር 7ኛው ወንጀለኛ ድርጊቱን በሞባይል ቀርፆ በማኅበራዊ መገናኛ ዘርፍ ማሰራጨቱም ተነግሯል። ወጣቷ በአሁኑ ወቅት እስር ቤት ነው የምትገኘው። 18 ዓመት ወጣት የሆነች ኢትዮጵያዊት ስደተኛ ሱዳን መዲና ካርቱም ውስጥ በ6 ጋጠወጦች ተደፍራ ድርጊቱ በማኅበራዊ መገናኛ ዘርፍ ቢሰራጭም፤ ወጣቷ በጥፋተኝነት ቅጣት ተበየነባት። ወንጀሉ ሲፈጸምባት የሶስት ወር ነፍሰጡር የነበረችው ኢትዮጵያዊቷ ወጣት 950 ዶላር ገደማም እንድትከፍል ተፈርዶባታል። ወጣቷ እስር ቤት ውስጥ ነው የምትገኘው። የሴቶች መብት አስከባሪ ተቋም በእንግሊዘኛ ምኅፃሩ SIHA የአፍሪቃ ቀንድ ኃላፊ የሆኑት ወይዘሪት ሐላ ኧልካሪብ።
«እስር ቤት ውስጥ ለአንድ ወር እና ከእዛ በላይ ቆይታለች። የደረሰች ነፍሰጡር በመሆኗ

Tuesday, February 18, 2014

Amateur video filmed by one of the passengers on the hijacked #ET702

One of the passengers filmed the hijacking drama inside the Ethiopian Airline flagship with his/her cellphone just Filmed Aboard Hijacked Plane at Rome Airport. In this age of technology and social media, everybody can be a journalist. The co-pilot of an Ethiopian Airlines jetliner locked the pilot out of the cockpit, commandeered the plane and headed for Geneva.

Who Is Hailemedhin Abera Tegegn The Ethiopian Airlines Hijacker, And Why Was He Desperate For Asylum?

ADDIS ABABA, Ethiopia – Airline passengers en route to Italy were rerouted to Switzerland on Monday morning in a peaceful but puzzling hijacking episode, carried out by the plane's own co-pilot. 

Ethiopian Airlines Hijacker: Who Is Hailemedhin Abera?
Hailemedhin Abera 

Ethiopian Airlines flight ET702 was headed from Ethiopia's capital city of Addis Ababa to Rome when the captain took a bathroom break. The first officer then locked himself inside the cockpit, reported the hijacking to airport transponders, and aimed his Boeing 767 toward Geneva. Reports indicate that the passengers were blissfully unaware of the situation until they touched down. They were heavily searched upon exiting the aircraft, after which the airline began efforts to get all 193 passengers – mostly Italian nationals – to their final destinations.

Monday, February 17, 2014

Ethiopia's Zeway Prison the Equivalent of Siberia: Jailed Ethiopian Journalist

The following open letter is  from  award winning Ethiopian Journalist Woubushet Taye who has been sentenced to 14 years jail term with trumped up terrorism charges and being incarcerated at the notorious Zeway Prison. He penned the letter in Amharic ( Ethiopian official language ) for one of the few remaining critical Ethiopian newspapers called Ethio Mehdar. Article 19, the International Rights Watchdog, translated the Amharic version  of Woubshet's letter into English and published it on its website. As you go through it; Woubshet is still optimistic and has no grudges against his captors. His modesty and humbleness is beyond me considering the an imaginable horror he has to go through on daily basis. Here is the full English version of Woubshet's humble letter which should trigger an outrage from every human being around the globe against TPLF-led regime in Ethiopia.   

The Hijacking of #ET702 & TPLF cadres' PR Blunder

"Swiss authorities say the hijacker of an Ethiopian Airlines flight forced to land at Geneva's international airport was the plane's co-pilot." Abc News
"An Ethiopian government spokesman told Reuters he believes the hijacker boarded the plane on a scheduled stop in Khartoum, Sudan's capital." VOA
Passengers disembark hijacked planeTo begin with ET702 didn't land in Khartoum and since when co-pilots are boarding in Stop-over? Redwan Hussien, TPLF's die-hard cadre makes his "career" and masters a laughing stock. AP photo shows rope purportedly used by co-pilot aboard Ethiopian flight to escape out of plane; obviously the propagandist has no clue what's going at the hijacked Ethiopian Airlines. These days, even those who considered by many as the most privileged in society want to leave Ethiopia and seek asylum somewhere.    
The airline says flight ET-702 from Addis Ababa to Rome was "forced to proceed" to Geneva, where it landed early on Monday (local time).
Airport spokesman Bertrand Staempfli told reporters the co-pilot took control of the plane when the pilot went to the toilet.
"He said he felt threatened in his country and wants to seek asylum in Switzerland," he said.
After the plane landed the co-pilot left through the window on a rope and surrendered to police.
Police say the man was not armed, and there was no risk to crew or passengers at any time.
State-run Ethiopian television said there had been 193 passengers on board the Boeing aircraft, including 140 Italian nationals.
The brief drama caused the closure of the airport and cancellation of some short-haul flights. Some incoming flights were diverted to other airports.
Hundreds of passengers booked on disrupted flights scrambled to change their tickets.
A flight tracking app for mobile devices showed the flight circling over the Swiss city several times before landing.
Ethiopian nationals and the Horn of Africa country's flag carrier have been involved in several hijackings in the past.
In 1993, an Ethiopian used a gun hidden in his hat to hijack a German passenger jet bound for New York. He was later sentenced to 20 years in a US prison.
Two years later, police in Greece overpowered an Ethiopian hijacker who held a knife to the throat of an Olympic Airways stewardess and demanded political asylum.
At least 50 people were killed when a hijacked Ethiopian Airlines passenger jet crashed in the Indian Ocean in 1996.
In 2001, a dozen Ethiopian students hijacked a plane carrying around 60 people and flew to Sudan.

Sunday, February 16, 2014

Australia Told its detained Asylum-seekers to Resttele Themselves

Reports from Manus Island indicate a major protest and breakout has taken place on Manus Island late this afternoon. The most recent reports indicate that the riot squad has been mobilized and that the perimeter fence has been breached.
Protests have been building all day, but escalated after a meeting (around 2pm Manus time) was held to answer asylum seekers’ questions about resettlement.
Shockingly, the asylum seekers were told that they “will not be resettled in PNG” and if they wanted to go somewhere else, they will need to arrange that themselves.
There had been protests throughout the day, but around 4pm Manus Island time, events escalated and the G4S riot squad went into Oscar compound.
A couple of hours later, fences were knocked down and the whole detention center was locked down as the protests spread to all the compounds. There were reports of a fire being set in one compound and tents have been destroyed.
It seems the perimeter fence of one compound, perhaps Oscar, has now been breached and a major protest is underway.
There are reports of asylum seekers being injured by G4S guards. Some asylum seekers have been taken to the police station.
There have been daily protests on Manus Island involving hundreds of asylum seekers since 25 January as frustrations have increased over delays in processing and uncertainty about their future.
Today’s announcement that there would be no resettlement in PNG confirms earlier reports that resettlement was never a part of the PNG deal and the PNG government has never had plans to resettle refugees.

Saturday, February 15, 2014

Sundance 2014 Vindicates Ethiopia's Leading Women's Rights Advocate

Meaza Ashenafi, whose civic organization EWELA (Ethiopian Women's Lawyers Association) has been incapacitated by TPLF mafia, is vindicated at 2014's Sundance International Film Festival with a film entitled Difret which becomes Winner of the Audience Award for World Cinema Dramatic. Difret ( which literally means in Amharic courage) is a film based on a true story and revolves around an Ethiopian young girl who was abducted for forced marriage and killed her husband in self-defense and then represented by a lawyer in this case Meaza Ahenafi. Born of an illiterate mother and a civil servant father in Assosa,a small town near the Sudan border, she received her LLB degree from Addis Ababa University and was qualified as a lawyer in 1986. Meaza established Ethiopia's leading women's legal aid, education and policy-reform organization in 1995

Thursday, February 13, 2014

Ethiopian government spying on U.S.-based journalists: Digital Watchdog

Here we go again with TPLF's paranoia extending thousands of miles away as if what's doing isn't enough at home which it is good at it; SPYING. TPLF-led rulers of Ethiopia are spending billions of Tax payers' and donors' money in a country which has the lowest internet penetration (1%) even in Sub-Saharan African standards, on digital censorship and spying on everybody they deem to be their perceived or/and virtual enemy. At this moment, Ethiopians are suffering from lack of basic services (water, fuel, power, including internet networking) while TPLF and co are on this ridiculous project which should have been directed to improve the lives of millions of citizens. The following detailed research was made by foreign nationals who have no business or other interests as far as Ethiopia concerned; they are concerned international citizens who are trying to show their solidarity to Ethiopian people whose voice is being muffled and silenced by the regime alarmingly.      

Mesay Mekonnen was at his desk, at a news service based in Northern Virginia, when gibberish suddenly exploded across his computer screen one day in December. A sophisticated cyberattack was underway.
But this wasn’t the Chinese army or the Russian mafia at work.
Instead, a nonprofit research lab has fingered government hackers in a much less technically advanced nation, Ethiopia, as the likely culprits, saying they apparently used commercial spyware, essentially bought off the shelf. This burgeoning industry is making surveillance capabilities that once were the exclusive province of the most elite spy agencies, such as National Security Agency, available to governments worldwide.
The targets of such attacks often are political activists, human rights workers and journalists, who have learned that the Internet allows authoritarian governments to surveil and intimidate them even after they have fled to supposed safety.
That includes the United States, where laws prohibit unauthorized hacking but rarely succeed in stopping intrusions. The trade in spyware itself is almost entirely unregulated, to the great frustration of critics.
“We’re finding this in repressive countries, and we’re finding that it’s being abused,” said Bill Marczak, a research fellow for Citizen Lab at the University of Toronto’s Munk School of Global Affairs, which released a report Wednesday. “This spyware has proliferated around the world . . . without any debate.”
Origin of hacking attempts on journalistsCitizen Lab says the spyware used against Mekonnen and one other Ethiopian journalist appears to have been made by Hacking Team, an Italian company with a regional sales office in Annapolis. Its products are capable of stealing documents from hard drives, snooping on video chats, reading e-mails, snatching contact lists, and remotely flipping on cameras and microphones so that they can quietly spy on a computer’s unwitting user.
Some of the targets of recent cyberattacks are U.S. citizens, say officials at Ethiopia Satellite Television’s office in Alexandria, where Mekonnen works. Others have lived in the United States or other Western countries for years.
“To invade the privacy of American citizens and legal residents, violating the sovereignty of the United States and European countries, is mind-boggling,” said Neamin Zeleke, managing director for the news service, which beams reports to Ethiopia, providing a rare alternative to official information sources there.
Citizen Lab researchers say they have found evidence of Hacking Team software, which the company says it sells only to governments, being used in a dozen countries, including Uzbekistan, Kazakhstan, Sudan, Saudi Arabia and Azerbaijan.
The Ethiopian government, commenting through a spokesman at the embassy in Washington, denied using spyware. “The Ethiopian government did not use and has no reason at all to use any spyware or other products provided by Hacking Team or any other vendor inside or outside of Ethiopia,” Wahide Baley, head of public policy and communications, said in a statement e-mailed to The Washington Post.
Hacking Team declined to comment on whether Ethiopia was a customer, saying it never publicly confirms or denies whether a country is a client because that information could jeopardize legitimate investigations. The company also said it does not sell its products to countries that have been blacklisted by the United States, the United Nations and some other international groups.
Neamin Zeleke, Managing director-ESAT
“You’ve necessarily got a conflict between the issues around law enforcement and the issues around privacy. Reasonable people come down on both sides of that,” said Eric Rabe, a U.S.-based senior counsel to Hacking Team. “There is a serious risk if you could not provide the tools that HT provides.”
The FBI, which investigates computer crimes, declined to comment on the Citizen Lab report.
Allegations of abuse
Technology developed in the aftermath of the Sept. 11, 2001, terrorist attacks has provided the foundation for a multibillion-dollar industry with its own annual conferences, where firms based in the most developed countries offer surveillance products to governments that don’t yet have the ability to produce their own.
Hacking Team, which Reporters Without Borders has named on its list of “Corporate Enemies” of a free press, touted on its Web site that its “Remote Control System” spyware allows users to “take control of your targets and monitor them regardless of encryption and mobility. It doesn’t matter if you are after an Android phone or a Windows computer: you can monitor all the devices.”
Hacking Team software has been used against Mamfakinch, an award-winning Moroccan news organization, and Ahmed Mansoor, a human rights activist in the United Arab Emirates who was imprisoned after signing an online political petition, Citizen Lab reported. Another research group, Arsenal Consulting, has said Hacking Team software was used against an American woman who was critical of a secretive Turkish organization that is building schools in the United States.
Such discoveries have sparked calls for international regulation of Hacking Team and other makers of spyware, which typically costs in the hundreds of thousands of dollars, according to experts.
By selling spyware, “they are participating in human rights violations,” said Eva Galperin, who tracks spyware use for the Electronic Frontier Foundation, a civil liberties group based in San Francisco. “By dictator standards, this is pretty cheap. This is pocket change.”
Rabe, the Hacking Team official, said that the company does not itself deploy spyware against targets and that, when it learns of allegations of human rights abuses by its customers, it investigates those cases and sometimes withdraws licenses. He declined to describe any such cases or name the countries involved.
Ethiopian Satellite Television, typically known by the acronym ESAT, started in 2010 and operates on donations from members of the expatriate community. The news service mainly employs journalists who left Ethiopia in the face of government harassment, torture or criminal charges. Though avowedly independent, ESAT is viewed as close to Ethiopia’s opposition forces, which have few other ways of reaching potential supporters.
Despite the nation’s close relationship with the U.S. government — especially in dealing with unrest and Islamist extremism in neighboring Somalia — the State Department has repeatedly detailed human rights abuses by the Ethiopian government against political activists and journalists. There has been little improvement, observers say, since the 2012 death of the nation’s longtime ruler, Meles Zenawi.
“The media environment in Ethiopia is one of the most repressive in Africa,” said Felix Horne, a researcher for Human Rights Watch. “There are frequent cases of people who have spoken to journalists being arrested. There’s very little in the way of free flow of information in the country. The repressive anti-terrorism law is used to stifle dissent. There are a number of journalists in prison for long terms for doing nothing but practicing what journalists do.”
Taking the bait
Mekonnen was wary as soon as he received a document, through a Skype chat with a person he did not know, on Dec. 20. But the file bore the familiar icon of a Microsoft Word file and carried a name, in Ethiopia’s Amharic language, suggesting that it was a text about the ambitions of a well-known political group there. The sender even used the ESAT logo as his profile image, suggesting the communication was from a friend, or at least a fan.
When the screen filled with a chaotic series of characters, Mekonnen knew he had been fooled — in hacker jargon, he had taken “the bait” — yet it wasn’t clear what exactly was happening to his computer, or why.
That same day, an ESAT employee in Belgium also had received mysterious documents over Skype chats. Noticing that the files were of an unusual type, he chose not to open them on his work computer. Instead, the ESAT employee uploaded one of the files to a Web site, VirusTotal, that scans suspicious software for signs of their origins and capabilities.
That Web site also has a system to alert researchers when certain types of malicious software are discovered. Marczak, the Citizen Lab researcher, who had been tracking the spread of spyware from Hacking Team and other manufacturers, soon got an e-mail from VirusTotal reporting that a suspicious file had been found, carrying telltale coding.
Marczak, a doctoral student in computer science at the University of California at Berkeley, had worked with members of the Ethiopian community before, during an attempted hacking incident last April. When he received the alert from VirusTotal, he got in touch with ESAT’s offices in Alexandria and began looking for signs of Hacking Team software on the news service’s computers. He was eventually joined in the detective work by three other researchers affiliated with Citizen Lab, Claudio Guarnieri, Morgan Marquis-Boire and John Scott-Railton. They did not detect an active version of the spyware on Mekonnen’s computer, suggesting it had failed to activate properly or was removed by the hackers who deployed it. But when Citizen Lab analyzed the file itself — still embedded in Mekonnen’s Skype account — its coding tracked closely to other Hacking Team spyware, Marczak said.
The Citizen Lab team found that the spyware was designed to connect to a remote server that used an encryption certificate issued by a group listed as “HT srl,” an apparent reference to Hacking Team. The certificate also mentioned “RCS,” which fits the acronym for the company’s “Remote Control System” spyware.
The researchers discovered a similar encryption certificate used by a server whose IP address was registered to Giancarlo Russo, who is Hacking Team’s chief operating officer. The phone number and mailing address associated with that server’s IP address matched the company’s headquarters in Milan, Citizen Lab said.
The evidence of Ethiopia’s involvement was less definitive — as is common when analysts attempt to learn the origin of a cyberattack — though the Citizen Lab researchers express little doubt about who was behind the attack. The document that Mekonnen downloaded, they noted, had a title in Amharic that referred to Ethiopian politics, making clear that the attackers had deep knowledge of that country.
In addition, few governments have enough interest in Ethiopian politics to deploy a sophisticated spyware attack against journalists covering the country, Marczak said. “I can’t really think of any other government that would like to spy on ESAT.”
The biggest fear among journalists is that spies have accessed sensitive contact lists on ESAT computers, which could help the government track their sources back in Ehiopia
“This is a really great danger for them,” Mekonnen said.