in case you wonder why I used these words as the title of my article;
they are the mottoes coined by organizers of No Border Camp, a
rotating anti-deportation activists' event held in different towns of
Europe. Here's excerpt from the No
Border Camp's website ''No
Border is no organization but a concept, an idea. It is about
fighting for a world without borders, where everyone has the
possibility and no one is restricted from moving freely across the
globe without ever being called illegal”.
I was able to have a first hand information about this
week-long ( June 17th - 24th 2012) event which
is going on at a suburb of Stockholm called Akalla. When one of the
organizers invited me to have a look at the camp, I didn't take it
seriously and was skeptical after what happened to me a few months
ago with the I Accuse Europe (Tribunal 12) organizers,
nonetheless I went there. Interestingly, on my first visit I went
back home after spending over an hour to find the camp in vain. When
I went back for the second time,
it was almost empty except for not
more than ten tents scattered and few hippies who were serving
dinner to fellow others on the open field.
They welcomed me with open
arms, big smiles and invited me to help myself to the food if I was
hungry. Even though, I was still uncomfortable with these group of
people as many of my readers you could be; I helped myself to the
risotto and vegetable soup as main course and herbal tea and
chocolate cookies as desert. You know what, to my surprise it was
tasty and I went for the second round. I was told by the cooks that
they only serve vegan foods for ideological and health reasons.
these guys never cease to amaze me. What comes to your mind whenever
you see skinny punks/hippies/weirdos with dreadlocks, unkempt hairs,
over grown beards, shabby and unwashed clothes, two different socks,
worn out shoes, big tattoos, piercings all over their faces,
muddy bare foot, torn out jeans, oversize overalls? A
gangster whatever the society labels people like these. Well, never
judge a book by its cover, as the saying goes. You wouldn't believe
me if I tell you that these guys are with big heart, strong
conviction and dedication fighting to create a future Utopian world
each according to his ability, to each according to his need.
Gucci, Armani, G-Star String, Yves Saint Laurent, smart phones,
iPads and other materials which are valued by many of us; are rare to see at this camp.
are big business
are in Stockholm
million refugees are in the world today. 235 900 people applied
for asylum in EU in 2010 but only few were permissible to
stay. 2000 people died in the Mediterranean sea in 2011 when
they tried to reach EU from Libya and Tunisia.
of the cooks joked about the cleanliness of my 3years old pair of
sneakers which I wish he knew that are getting always a frowning
stare in many posh areas of Stockholm.
I say The camp , it's not the ordinary camp where everything
is provided to you including toilets, shower, kitchen, security
gates, state of the art caravans etc. Just to give you a bit of the
highlights about it, the camp is being held at horse farm which
avails only cold water and electricity; so it was/is still under
construction to furnish with basic amenities. Everything is being
done from the scratch by the campers; makeshift toilets, kitchens,
showers, info points, medical and trauma centers, benches, sinks
were/are being built by volunteers who came from all around Europe including Kaliningrad-Russia and the U.S.A.
When you hear different languages and various English accents, you
can't help but feel like you are at the United Nations assembly.
group of activists who are mainly in their 20s and 30s come here for
one purpose; to be a voice to those voiceless/defenseless rejected
asylum seekers/refugees at various detention centers of Europe who are to be
deported to their homelands where their lives would be endangered.
They are/were also discussing about individuals, companies and others who
are making profits with border control and deportations. One of the
important issues which are going to be discussed during this week
long event include among others are: the fight against racism,
sexism, segregation, homophobia, transphobia and other forms of
discrimination which are affecting almost everybody, everywhere on
the daily basis. The camp holds meetings twice a day to discuss about
issues like security night shifts, the “to be done lists”, daily
activities, etc in one of the three tents while organizing
workshops/discussion forums in the other one and film screening on
the remaining tent. There's action all day long until mid-night and
the food is being served almost 24 hours a day. So far, the campers
held two demonstrations (one down town at Kungtraädsgården
and the other at the Märsta
detention Center) to show their solidarity to the asylum seekers at
the risk of being deported. Nevertheless, the demonstrations didn't
end without a situation; for a example over a dozen peaceful
activists who went to protest in front of the Solna Police Station,
were arrested for more than six hours and released later on.
Monday, the sub-way station was closed down by the police between
Hallonbergen and Akalla, after it followed the
demonstrators from Märsta detention
center. Regardless of these incidents the camp has so far is
hosting over 300 activists and
others are still coming with their few months old babies. Some came
by public transports, others hitchhiked for weeks, others biked for
days, some drove their old cars to be part of this activism. They are
not paid and they do it out of love, care, compassion and empathy to
show their solidarity to the sufferings of fellow human-beings in
various detention centers of Europe.

honored and privileged to see this camp where a worthy cause is being
discussed everyday. These young men and women could have spend their
holiday somewhere in Thailand, India, Cyprus, New York, Mombassa,
Addis Abeba or spend their money on some expensive designer-made
outfits, electronic gadgets etc.
Instead, they are soaking themselves
in rain and walking bare-feet to fight the imaginary man-made borders
and nations which divide us from each other. There's only one nation,
that's earth, and there's only one race, that's human-being. These
courageous people are even willing to risk the privileges every
European citizens entitles to so that me, you, her and him can live
in a better world. Thanks my new friends for being an inspiration and
change my distorted perceptions towards people like you. Fellow
readers please if you care about human/humanity
but you are not a walking
human mannequin,
visit the camp or their website and donate your one day's café-latte
or stor stark Öl
beer) or
Korv (hot-dogs
) expense to these
noble purposes,
because I overheard them saying that they are already financially
struggling to cover all their expenses. I promise, you will be
showered with nothing but pure love, affection and will have a
different perspectives that really matter about life. No one
chooses to be a refugee leaving behind his/her family, friends,
carriers, past, future, identity, personality etc. On top of that
we, refugees, are here
because you were/are there. I hope one day the world would be
only ONE nation so that people can live wherever they want to, Amen!
and Love