I was shocked as many of you might have been, when I read the news on the internet about the guilty verdict passed by Meles Zenawi's court on 24 innocent Ethiopians yesterday ( June 27/2012), as if this happened out of blue. What's shocking or saddening more than the news itself is that how all of us become victims of short term memory syndrome. Impunity has been the hallmark of the regime at Arat Kilo ever since its inception; but how we reacted to the "news" ( I don't think this should be considered as a news since it has been done over and over for decades) shows how gullible we are to the actions of Meles Zenawi & Co. For example Amnesty International Wrote this headline on its website:
እንኳን ወደ ስደተኞች ዓለም መጡ። ስደተኛነት ምርጫ አይደለም። Welcome to the world of REFUGEES! NOBODY chooses to be a REFUGEE!!!
Thursday, June 28, 2012
Wednesday, June 20, 2012
in case you wonder why I used these words as the title of my article;
they are the mottoes coined by organizers of No Border Camp, a
rotating anti-deportation activists' event held in different towns of
Europe. Here's excerpt from the No
Border Camp's website ''No
Border is no organization but a concept, an idea. It is about
fighting for a world without borders, where everyone has the
possibility and no one is restricted from moving freely across the
globe without ever being called illegal”.
I was able to have a first hand information about this
week-long ( June 17th - 24th 2012) event which
is going on at a suburb of Stockholm called Akalla. When one of the
organizers invited me to have a look at the camp, I didn't take it
seriously and was skeptical after what happened to me a few months
ago with the I Accuse Europe (Tribunal 12) organizers,
nonetheless I went there. Interestingly, on my first visit I went
back home after spending over an hour to find the camp in vain. When
I went back for the second time,
Wednesday, June 6, 2012
እቺም ጦማር ሆና ታገደች

The requested URL could not be retrieved
While trying to retrieve the URL: http://www.facebook.com/l/HAQEBMIL1AQG6vdD5h4p64gDcIwjBBV9OCBMk0sR2__mXww/irefugee.blogspot.com/2012/06/2012.html?spref=tw
The following error was encountered:
We can not connect to the server you have requested.
This means that:
The server might be busy at this time.
The server is not reachable.
Please try later to see if you can go through.
Generated Tue, 05 Jun 2012 06:46:48 GMT
While trying to retrieve the URL: http://www.facebook.com/l/HAQEBMIL1AQG6vdD5h4p64gDcIwjBBV9OCBMk0sR2__mXww/irefugee.blogspot.com/2012/06/2012.html?spref=tw
The following error was encountered:
We can not connect to the server you have requested.
This means that:
The server might be busy at this time.
The server is not reachable.
Please try later to see if you can go through.
Generated Tue, 05 Jun 2012 06:46:48 GMT
ይሄ እገዳ በትክክል ስራ ላይ የዋለው መቼ እንደሆነ በትክክል ባላውቅም ይህ ግለሰብ ጦማሬን ለመጎብኝት ባለፈው ዓርብ ሰኔ 1 2004 ዓ᎐ም᎐ ሞክሮ ሊሳካለት ባለመቻሉ ጦማሬን ለመጎብኘት ሌላ ህብኡ (ፕሮክሲ ሰርቭር) ለመጠቀም እንደተገደደ ገልጾልኛል። እኔም እገዳው በትክክል መፈጸሙን ለማረጋገጥ ባደረግኩት ማጣራት የሚከተለውን ውጤት አግኝቻለሁ። በጦማሬ ላይ በኢትዮጵያ የደህንነትና መረጃ መ/ቤት ከመጣሉ በፊት ባሉት ቀናት/ሳምንታት እና ወር ጦማሬን ከኢትዮጵያ የጎበኙት ሰዎች ቁጥር ዝርዝር ይሄን ይመስላል። ባለፈው ሳምንት
Monday, June 4, 2012
በ2012 የስቶክሆልም ማራቶን ውድድር ኢትዮጵያውያን ሯጮች ድል ቀናቸው
Friday, June 1, 2012
Hurrah, Ethiopia Officially Blocked My Blog Today!
One of my follower from Ethiopia expressed his enkuan
adresh (congrats
message) over
the blockage of my blog in Ethiopia. Hmm,
I am not shocked but I'm a bit surprised Shimeles Kemal & co
tolerated my tiny-mini, shabby, messy "blog" this long;
provided many of my visitors have been from Ethiopia. I checked the
traffic to my blog a while ago and I found out that my blog is officially blocked
today. According recent overview the traffic to my blog, there were
over 140
visitors from Ethiopia from May 3th 2012 till May 31st 2012.
There were only 14
visitors during the week and today there was only 1
visitor whom I guess was my follower who told me about the
blockage and visited my blog via proxy website. This follower got the following "error" message last week while trying to access my blog in Ethiopia.
Me, Melodifestivalen and my confusion
hope everybody “enjoyed” this special weekend in Sweden. Just in
case you missed it, Sweden won the 2012 Eurovision Song Contest (ESC
otherwise locally known as Melodifestivalen (for some, it's just a
different version of the American Idol). No offense to some of the
die-hard fans, but honestly, ESC is alien to me and I didn't know
about its existence until I came to Sweden. I grew up listening
different music genres and it was a big culture shock back in
2004/2005 (time flies!) when I used to go out to discotheques while I
was studying at the Örebro University. I remember that there was
always this boom-boom monotonous music all night long every time I
went to the clubs on weekends. Every now and then I would try
different clubs, but they all played the same rhythms; then I started
to ask around. So, somebody told me that there is this music genre
called Shlager
songs mainly from ESC) that almost every nightclub in that small town
was playing. After a while, I stopped going to the clubs thinking it
was such a waste of time and money for something that one didn't
enjoy at all. Well, these days, I don't enjoy either those genres
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