concert, his [Mahmoud's] enigmatic multi-octave voice seizes on a
note, brief or sustained, and makes its pitch tremble as it its
urgency could barely be contained”
New York Times
Ahmed has a rich, deep voice that oozes liquid chocolate down a phone
line crackling with static; what a pity I can't understand a word he
is saying.”
morning herald
years ago a baby named Mahmoud Ahmed brought to this world by an
Ethiopian working class parents at a place locally known as Mercato
in the center of Addis Ababa. Neither his family nor himself had
imagined that this little boy one-day would be an internationally
acclaimed artist. Mahmoud coming from Ethiopia's well known
entrepreneurial and hard-working Gurage ethnic group, his first
profession like many of his fellow mates, was shining shoes on the
streets of Addis. He tried a series of other menial jobs before he
ended up as handy-man at the Arizona Club which was back then an
after-work hangout place for Emperor Haile Selassie I's Imperial Body
Guard Band. On a fateful night, one of the singers didn't show-up and
persuaded the house band to let him substitute the singer and ever since then he continued doing the job he loves for half a century. Mahmoud soon was recruited at Imperial Body Guard Band, serving there until the military coup of 1974. Mahmoud released his first single with Venus Band "Nafqot New Yegodagn"/"Yasdestal" in 1971 and quickly became a pop-star across Ethiopia. Mahmoud continued to record with several bands for the Amha and Kaifa record labels throughout the 1970s.
persuaded the house band to let him substitute the singer and ever since then he continued doing the job he loves for half a century. Mahmoud soon was recruited at Imperial Body Guard Band, serving there until the military coup of 1974. Mahmoud released his first single with Venus Band "Nafqot New Yegodagn"/"Yasdestal" in 1971 and quickly became a pop-star across Ethiopia. Mahmoud continued to record with several bands for the Amha and Kaifa record labels throughout the 1970s.
Following the
overthrow of Emperor Sellassie, the military junta suspended musical
nightlife and the Imperial Body Guard Band was disbanded, nonetheless
Mahmoud continued to make hit records and cassettes with many local
musicians, including the Dahlack and the Ibex Bands.
switched to releasing his music on cassettes from vinyl as the 1978
censorship laws
him to do so. In the 1980s, Mahmoud operated his own music shop in
the hub of Addis Ababa's - Piazza district as a side-kick to his
singing career. Mahmoud became a pioneer modern Ethiopian music maker
to perform in the United States for the Ethiopian diaspora on a
1980-1981 tour with the Wallias Band, Gétatchew Kassa, and Webeshet
Almost 30 years ago, Mahmoud's music
reached a larger western audience when the Belgian label Crammed
Discs released the collection Ere Mela Mela, at
a time when Ethiopia was making headlines in the west because of
political repression and for the worst famine the country
experienced. Mahmoud gained even a huge international limelight in
the late 1990s after Buda Musique launched the Éthiopiques
series on CD. Eventually, this led to new recordings and tours
worldwide with Boston's Either/Orchestra and Badume's Band. He tours
globally, performing concerts both for international music fans as
well as the Ethiopian diaspora.

How and when did you start singing?
I started singing while I was in school. I used to sing during breaks
to my classmates songs that I heard on the Ethiopian radio. I dropped
out of school and became a shoe-shine boy. Then I worked as handy-man
at the Arizona Night-Club. One evening, one of the singers didn't
show-up and I begged and persuaded the band's manager to let me
substitute the singer and ever since then I am singing and here you
meet me.
What was your family's reaction towards your career?
They were OK with it except that my father was a bit disappointed.
Who was your role-model?
Tilahun Gessese.
How was it to be an artist back then and now?
There is a huge difference. During that time, singing was considered
as something bad and people call us names such Azemarie-a
derogatory term to express their contempt towards us. Today, singing
is a very respected job.
How do you feel being an internationally known artist?
[laughter] Honestly speaking, I'm very happy and I do my best to
entertain the audience wherever I go on tour.
Why didn't you release an album for such a long time?
I could not be able to release the album due to copyright issues. I'm
thinking to release an album in the future as the implementation of
the copyright law is being strengthened at the moment.
How is the situation of Copyright in Ethiopia?
it is getting better. We [artists] organized ourselves and trying to
defend our rights.
In a 1-10 scale (1 the lowest and 10 the highest), how do you rate
Ethiopia's contemporary music standard?
How do you see the future of the music industry in Ethiopia?
It looks promising. A copyright association is created and we made a
consensus to abide by the copyright law.
What's your future-plan?
I want to rest. Your body doesn't work as it used to be when you get
older. I would like to take things at a slowdown level. However, I
will serve as long as I could.
What would you have been, if you were not a singer?
[laughter] I don't know. I could have might been a shoe-shiner.
What is your advice for the new generation of Ethiopian artists?
there are many talented young Ethiopian artists right now. I would be
very happy if they could serve the public as we did.
I can't say anything, knowing that I can't turn-back the clock.
Does any of your children follow your foot-step?
Which of your songs are your favorite?
Tizeta. It gives me goose-bump even when somebody sings Tizeta.
your happiest/saddest day?
My saddest day was when I lost my mother. Happiest days are too many.
What is your message to your Ethiopian and international fans?
Thanks a lot for letting me be where I am now.
week, iREFUGEE will present Alemayehu Eshete's thoughts about his
career and future plan. Miss it not!
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