It's shameful and unacceptable that Norway & Denmark invited the dictator to attend a conference to their respective countries knowing that this paranoid regime jailed two Swedish journalists with fabricated terrorism charges to which they might serve for life. Is this how these two countries show their solidarity to the sufferings of the two Swedish citizens and millions of Ethiopians who at this time are living in appalling and horrible situations? It's shocking and absolutely unjustifiable for Norway to commit such historic mistake just a few days after it awarded the Nobel Peace Prize to Tawaakul Karman the Yemeni Journalist/Activist. It's an insult to human rights, freedom of speech, the rule of law and all other civil and human rights charters which the two countries are reputed to be champions. By doing so you give a go ahead green signal to Meles & his cohorts to perpetrate whatever they were/have been doing for the last 20yrs with impunity. There's no guarantee Martin Schibbye and Johan Persson wouldn't have the same fate as Dwait Issak; if you continue the way do business with tyrants. Norway PM faces Ethiopia flak: Norway’s prime minister has defended the country’s collaboration with Ethiopia on climate-related energy initiatives in the face of protests over alleged human rights abuses by the leader of the...
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yuo all daspora krazy.....we doent care, olf, oNlF, GubONt 7 all cry. Norwey knows Males that why he came. we are hero, yuo knows we finesh Dergi and we will finesh yuo all now. yuo all are adgis. we gives yuo fredom, food, demokrasy, all wat yuo to Males????becarful
ReplyDeleteYou should know what you are talking about. Our great leader is one of the most beloved leaders of our country. You sit there and acuse our leader who has done wonderful things. As he said in the interview, we should protect our country from terriorsts. I think you are a terriost yourself and should be in prison. You will soon be detected and your ill actions discovered. if u are ethiopian u should be hanged if u are not u should be in jail like them.
ReplyDeleteThese therrorists who call themselvs journalists are enemy to ethiopia. you too are also a terriorist who wants bad for ethiopia. u should be prosecuted like them. u should be careful!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! otherwise you can not hide and we will find you!!!!
ReplyDeleteyes, yuo are corect.all terrist going to preson. we not care habesha wela ferngi all onlf,olf gunbet 7.came to our cantery, we shaws yuo nehna gegnau TigRai!!!!!!stuped