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Notorious Kaliti Prison of Ethiopia |
እንኳን ወደ ስደተኞች ዓለም መጡ። ስደተኛነት ምርጫ አይደለም። Welcome to the world of REFUGEES! NOBODY chooses to be a REFUGEE!!!
Thursday, December 22, 2011
Neither White nor Green Christmas for Johan & Martin, it's all GREY!!!
Sunday, December 18, 2011
"የማስተዳድረው ቆንስላ ሳይሆን የአስከሬን ማቆያ ነው" በሊባኖስ የኢትዮጵያ ቆንስል
Friday, December 16, 2011
The 50thousand Invisible of Sweden
Thursday, December 15, 2011
Wednesday, December 7, 2011
''Silent Diplomacy is Frustrating'' - Linnea Schibbye, Martin's Wife.
Monday, November 21, 2011
Meles, is your Daughter part of the ''Somalia Picnic''?
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Semehal-Meles Zenawi's daughter |
Wednesday, November 16, 2011
I'm running a Morgue, Ethiopia's Ambassador to Lebanon!!!
Kuwaiti held after Ethiopian maid beaten to death
Tuesday, November 15, 2011
Breaking News: Ethiopia's ''Mohammed Bouazizi'' died yesterday
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Ethiopia's '' Bouazizi'' set himself on fire on 11/11/11 |
Friday, November 11, 2011
Blame it on the UK, Ethiopia Charges Opposition Figures, Reporter With Terrorism!
Monday, November 7, 2011
Adius humanity, Africans' lives worth nothing
Refugees face organ theft in the Sinai
''One becomes a vegetable'' Martin Schibbye
''One becomes a vegetable'' Martin Schibbye- this is how the Swedish Journalist described his, his colleague Johan Persson and other Ethiopian prisoners' daily life- to his wife during her brief recent visit at Kaliti (the worst prison in the world) when she went to attend the Meles Zenawi's kangaroo court hearing last week. Well, that's the whole idea of Zenawi's brutal regime's prisons. Thanks Linnea Schibbye Steiner for sharing what your beloved husband and many other inmates have been through in my country where organized criminals are terrorizing the whole nation under psydo-democracy, sham election and kangaroo courts. This's not something new to us; he did this hundreds times over the last 20years; a case in point: Meles & his clones made sure Ethiopia's renown surgeon Prof. Asrat Woldyes to vegetate in their prison until he was sick fatally, they imprisoned opposition and civil society leaders, journalists, ordinary citizens, teachers, farmers etc just to satisfy his sadistic and megalomaniac misdemeanor. What makes Zenawi's brutality different from the rest of his partners in crimes including his predecessor-Mengistu Hailemariam-is that his viciousness as well as using kangaroo courts and cooked up evidences as guises to torture, humiliate, degrade and kill slowly his victims psychologically and physically by dragging the court hearings for ever with his remote control. He always plays safe especially with cause celebére (not to mention his exceptional killing sprees) to deceive about his legitimacy and the prevalence of independent judiciary which is otherwise. This's what Meles & co. are doing to millions of Ethiopians on daily basis with impunity and ironically the world is parading him at single senseless meetings and conferences as a reward.
Friday, November 4, 2011
If it was Zimbabwe...
This's so typical predictable and laughable behavior of TPLF, it's always the police who is their witness to corroborate the ''cooked up charges''. Meles Zenawi & his stooges used their self-serving kangaroo court to deceive the world about the independence of the judiciary and the rule of law which are otherwise. They've such a short memory and gullible arrogance that they apply the same trick over and over thinking the rest of the world would believe what they're saying/doing at face value. How on earth journalists with camera train guerrilla fighters? It doesn't matter how many times they make a fool of themselves; otherwise they charged leaders of opposition parties and civil societies, peaceful demonstrators including journalists with treason and genocide after they themselves rigged the 2005 election and then in its aftermath killed over 200 people. A year or two later they accused Ethiopian pop star Teddy Afro with ''hit & run'' charge by placing a corpse on a road he was driving home after arriving in Addis from a foreign tour. There're hundreds of such similar politically motivated cases unfortunately Johan Persson & Martin Schibbye are
Thursday, November 3, 2011
Land-grabbing vs Ethiopian Journalists - Conspiracy of Silence or Conflict of Interests?
Saturday, October 29, 2011
The most Untouchables of the Horn of Africa
Friday, October 28, 2011
Guess, who's Nobel Peace Prize winner of 2012?
Thursday, October 27, 2011
Neo-Slavery in the making, Saudi style
Saudi Arabia announced recently that it will limit the income migrant workers are permitted to send home. The Labour Minister stated the new “Salary Protection Program” will prevent the ‘exodus’ of wealth leaving the nation in the form of remittances. He did not specify the percentage of income required to remain in Saudi, but it will be the majority. The new law represents another mechanism of control beyond the legal and social constraints already imposed onto foreign workers.
Are you still there God?
Wednesday, October 26, 2011
Developmental arrests, coming soon
Tuesday, October 25, 2011
A country founded by refugees, is deporting refugees.
Bad News for Refugees/Migrant workers...
Monday, October 24, 2011
Good luck Ali Talebs, but...
When I read such news once in a while I can see a bit of light at the end of the tunnel; otherwise it's so gloomy and hopeless. I'm stuck where I was 6yrs ago and I don't even know where to start or to end. I lost my past and future, it's the price I'm paying every single day hoping to live in freedom and I know there're millions of people who are in the same or even worse situations. It feels like everyday is a bad nightmare which never ends, my hands are tied, my mouth is sealed, my eyes blindfolded and I was wondering how long should I bare this pain. Life is too short and I'm not any younger, is it time pack up and face the inevitable or die slowly longing for that freedom which I may never experience? Damn, you do it, damn you don't do it as the saying goes. I'm just tired...
Utvisningshotade journalisten Ali Taleb får ny chans
Den utvisningshotade irakiske journalisten och filmaren Ali Taleb får sitt ärende prövat igen. Det beskedet kom från Migrationsverket under fredagen.
– Det är mycket glädjande och nu hoppas att jag att Migrationsverket går igenom Alis fall ordentligt och inser att han har fullgoda skyddsskäl, säger Barbara Alhachami, Ali Talebs juridiska ombud.
Enligt Migrationsverkets beslut så skulle Ali Taleb ha skickats tillbaka till Bagdad tillsammans med flera andra irakier tidigt på onsdagsmorgonen i förra veckan. Men dagen innan fick Ali Taleb, som då tagits av polisen till förvar i södra Sverige, besked...
Ethiopian housemaids are treated much worse than anybody in middle-east.
Thanks a lot for your dedicated and authentic reports about migrant workers in the middle-east which is almost forgotten/ignored by the mainstream media as well as recruiting and supplying countries. Unfortunately, there are not many journalists like who're fully committed to exposing such shameful and barbaric human right abuses which have been perpetrated on our sisters/daughters by the wealthy of mid-east countries for such a long time. What's even worse is that these poor illiterate, desperate girls/women were/are also ignored by staff members of their respective Embassies/consulates who're paid to protect/safeguard their right/lives in those countries. Even though it's very obvious that the situations are much even worse for Ethiopian housemaids than Filipinos in the middle-eastern countries; the government is aggressively exporting its citizens for modern slavery. Would you please also do some stories about Ethiopian housemaids who're languishing at the hands of their ''employers'' or/and prisons in the mid-east countries especially in Lebanon where there're mounting evidences that depict the miseries of our sisters/daughters?
There are 30 plus distressed overseas Filipino workers (OFWs), all women, in Oman temporarily seeking refuge at the Philippine Embassy’s Filipino Workers Resource Center (FWRC), according to a Filipino migrants rights group providing assistance to distressed and abused OFWs.
Kudos Filipino workers!
‘Overseas Filipino workers joining ‘occupy’ movement abroad inevitable
Thus, said today by a Filipino migrants’ rights group in the Middle East as the ‘occupy’ movement around the world gains support from various groups and sectors denouncing ‘corporate greed’ by big businesses and establishments who got control most of a nation’s wealth.“The birth of an ‘occupy’ movement in major cities of Third World countries including the Philippines, given the dire socio-economic condition of the workers who are exploited and oppressed, is almost expected,” Monterona ended. # # #
Written by:
John Leonard Monterona
Migrante-Middle East regional coordinator
Saturday, October 22, 2011
Don't forget the Ethiopian Journalists jailed along with Johan & Martin!!!
Friday, October 21, 2011
The Silence of The Swedish Media, Is it conspiracy of silence or political correctness?
I've been (of course many Ethiopians across the globe) passionately following about the jailed Swedish journalists since day one not only because they're fellow journalists but also for the very same reason that they are human-beings whose lives are being endangered like hundreds of thousands of arbitrarily arrested Ethiopian prisoners. Many of us showed/continue our protests in different forms (petitions, demonstration, etc) at home and abroad through different mediums such as social networks & mainstream medias etc. Unfortunately, I see/saw neither empathy nor solidarity nor media coverage from our counterparts in Sweden. I tried to raise this issue by commenting on their websites and blogs but a few are interested even to publish my comments.
Astonishingly, I saw cry baby newstories on twitter these couple of days which complain that J & M court hearings were not covered by the local Ethiopian media. Doesn't that sound so egocentric? I was like seriously and I started to do my little research on Google. For a starter, Ethiopian journalists are living under dictatorship and secondly some of them even dared to publish/air about the hearing; didn't J & M's story get much coverage that's another story. Well, google search results show who's covering whose story as follows. I tried advanced search to minimize search errors and to limit to certain search locations (Ethiopia, Stockholm, Sweden) and languages but unfortunately Amharic- the official language of Ethiopia- is not listed on google's language lists so I chosen any language. Unfortunately, most of media outlets in Ethiopia don't have their own website and mainly use the local languages and for that reason google's result include aggregates from different websites/blogs across the globe even though I tried to limit the location to Addis Ababa. Let's start google's search results of J & M's story coverage in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia
Johan Persson's google advanced search result in Addis Ababa brings 525 hits
His colleague's result on the other hand gives around 511 hits
Here's google search results of Eskinder Nega, Reyoot Alemu & Woubshet Taye in Sweden since last month
surprise, Eskinder Nega the renown Ethiopian blogger/journalists gives 5 hits: Svd & arbetaren zenit were generous
Reyoot Alemu an English teacher/columnist of Fetih newspaper who was arrested on similar charges of J &M and her google search results in Sweden gives 1 hit
Meanwhile Woushet Taye of Awramba who was arrested along with Reyoot gets one hit from google search in Sweden.
Let's see J & M's google search result in their home country and do the math to compare with their counterparts results of Ethiopians
Guess what Johan's results is 400,000 hits and Martin's result isn't far less. Let's be fair the proportion of media coverages of Ethiopians v Swedes is 1 to 100K. On the other hand J & M score a swooping more than 500 google hit results in Ethiopia and as everybody see their Ethiopian counterparts hit results are nowhere in the Swedish media and yet these same media outlets which ignored and are/were indifferent about the miseries of Ethiopian journalists are waynning about the lack of coverages to their kins' case in the Ethiopian media. One can see how the Swedish media foregrounded and out-poured zillions of opinions, expertise, comments about J & M's imprisonment through various methods to earn local and international sympathy while deliberately sidelining/downplaying about the rest of Ethiopian journalists who have been charged with the same crimes. I wonder if it's a conspiracy of silence or political correctness not to anger the spoiled boy in Addis. It's not only untrue that there's a lack of coverage on J & M's case by Ethiopian media but also unfair and selfish to ask them (some of them which risked to do stories) to beat up their chest provided they're living in one of the countries listed as the worst enemy of journalists.
Thursday, October 20, 2011
Wasn't ONLF Eliminated???
Tuesday, October 18, 2011
Talk to them with the language they speak
Thursday, October 13, 2011
Norway PM faces Ethiopia flak
More latest news @ www.ecadforum.com
Karuturi to outsource Ethiopian land to Indian farmers
Karuturi to outsource Ethiopian land to Indian farmers: FarmLandGrab
Raghuvir Badrinath/Bangalore (Business Standard, 12 Oct, 2011)Karuturi Global, the city-based
publicly-held floriculture major and one of the world's largest exporter of
roses which is aggressively rolling out an agriculture business venture in
Ethiopia, is looking at outsourcing 20,000 hectares of farm land in the African
nation to Indian farmers on a revenue-sharing
Skandal att neka visum
Why would be this a surprise? IMO it would be a news, if the journalists were given visas; that's the reason why Martin Schibbye and Johan Persson forced to choose the other way round. This's a paranoid government which does everything to hide its gross human rights abuses it has been perpetrating against our citizens in Ogaden and elsewhere in the country. EU countries and America are as good culprits as the tyrant for ignoring our 20yrs of sufferings by siding with Meles. We paid the price and now the west is testing the taste of their medicines. Isn't it a shame that Norway & Denmark invited the dictator to attend a conference to their respective countries while 2 innocent citizens of a neighboring country are forced to suffer on daily basis by the same dictator who jailed them with a doctored crime? Where's the solidarity of NORDIC countries and their sympathy for human rights, freedom of speech and rule of law? If EU & the US don't stop soft diplomacy; there's no gurantee Martin Schibbye and Johan Persson wouldn't have the same fate as Dwait Issak because Meles & co. have no mercy towards anybody who they ''assume'' is against their way: Martin Schibbye and Johan Persson are their latest European victims.
Varför är detta en viktig fråga?
Det är mycket enkelt. Genom att vara på plats kan svenska journalister följa om rättegången går rätt till. Om domstolen, trots det orimliga åtalet, klarar av att ge dem en rättssäker behandling.
Det är drygt en vecka kvar till rättegången. Etiopien har tid att ändra sig.
Eritrea players' asylum bid fails
Either Tanzanian authorities are living in different continent which they're not or they're party members of Eritrean regimes otherwise everybody in the world knows what's going on in Eritrea. These kids are lucky to escape a modern day slavery from one of the brutal & ruthless dictators of Africa. Many of their fellow brothers, sisters, fathers, mothers are bonded for life and are being abused, tortured, starved, raped, imprisoned for the last 20yrs by the gov't who claims fought 30yrs bloody war to free them. There's no freedom of speech, rule of law, election WILL BE NO such things for the coming 50yrs according recent interview of Issayas Afewrik on aljazeera. It's beyond somebody's imagination why would the Tanzanian authorities think that these kids have no risks going back?
Eritrea players' asylum bid fails: Tanzania rejects an asylum request by 13 young Eritrean footballers who refused to return home after a regional tournament in July.Wednesday, October 12, 2011
ምዕራባውያን በሁለት ቢላ መብላታችውን ያቁሙ!!!
አምባገነኑ የመለስ ዜናዊ መንግስት እነእስክንድርን:ረዕዮትን:ውብሽትን: ደበበን: አንዱአለምን: ደቲ ዳባን እና ሌሎች በሽህ የሚቆጠሩ ንጹሀን ኢትዮጵያውያንን እንዲሁም 2 ስዊድናውያን ጋዜጠኞችን ሳይቀር በቃሊቲ እና በሌሎች እስር ቤቶች አጉሮ በማን አለብኝነት በማስቃየት እና በማጉላላት ላይ እንደሚገኝ የአደባባይ ሚስጥር ሆኖ እያለ የኖርዌይ መንግስት ባደረገለት ጥሪ ትናንትና ባደረገለት ግብዣ ይህ አምባገነን ኦስሎ ተገኝቶ ሀይልን በተመለከተ ዐለማቀፍ ስብሰባ ላይ ንግግር ማድረጉና ኢትዮጵያውያኑም ድርጊቱን በመቃወም ሰላማዊ ሰልፍ በኦስሎ ከተማ ማድረጋቸው ይታወቃል:: ይህ በጣም የሚያሳዝንና የሚያስገርም ክስተት የአለማቀፉ የኖቤል የሰላም ድርጅትን አስደሳች ዜና ተከትሎ በቀናት ልዩነት መካሄዱ የኖርዌይ መንግስት ስለ ሰብዐዊ መብት መከበር ያለውን አመለካከት ጥያቄ ውስጥ የሚያስገባ ነው:: እንዲህ አይነቱ ተግባር መለስና ግብረአበር አምባገነኖችን የሚያበረታታና ድርጊታቸውን በይበልጥ እንዲገፉበት አይዟችሁ ከማለት አይተናነስም:: ምዕራባውያን መንግስታት ስለ ሰብዕዊ መብት መከበር ስለ ህግ የበላይነት ስለየመናገር እና መጻፍ ነጻነት ስለ መድበለፓርቲ የፈለገውን ቢለፍፉም በተግባር ግን እነ መለስን ከመሳሰሉ አምባገነን መሪዎች ጋር አብሮ በመስራት እነዚህን መሰረታዊ የሆኑ የማንኛውም የሰው ልጆች መብቶች እንደፈለጋቸው እንዲረግጡና እኛንም ለበለጠ ጭቆና:እስራት:እንግልት:እስር:ስደት:ረሀብ ወዘተ ለዘመናት እንድንማቅቅ ተፈርዶብናል:: የመለስ በዚህ ስብሰባ ላይ እንዲሳተፍ መጋበዝ የዚህ አንዱ አካል ሲሆን በአሁን ሰዐት በአገሪቱ በተለያዩ የአገራችን ቦታዎች እየታሰሩ: እየታፈኑ:እየተራቡ እና እየተገደሉ ባሉ ወገኖቻችን ላይ እንደመሳለቅ ይቆጠራል:: ምዕራባውያን በሁለት ቢላ መብላታቸውን ካላቆሙ የነመለስን የስልጣን ዘመን በማራዘምና እኛ የምናደርገውን በነጻነት በእኩልነት እና በመከባበር ለመኖር የምናደርገውን ጥረት በማሰናከል አንድ ቀን በታሪክ እንደሚጠየቁ ሊገነዘቡ ይገባል:: በሊቢያ:በቱኒዚያ:በግብጽ እና በሌሎች በአምባገነን በሚመሩ አገሮች ከሰሩት ስህተት ለመማር አሁንም ጊዜው አልረፈደም::