እንኳን ወደ ስደተኞች ዓለም መጡ። ስደተኛነት ምርጫ አይደለም። Welcome to the world of REFUGEES! NOBODY chooses to be a REFUGEE!!!
Monday, October 27, 2014
Tuesday, October 14, 2014
የማራኪ መጽሄት ባለቤት ጋዜጠኛ ሚሊዮን ሹሩቤ በስደት በሚኖርበት ናይሮቢ ኬንያ ህይወቱ አለፈ
በስደት ላይ ሞት እንዴት ያሳዝናል። አገሩም ላይ ሳይደላው፡ በስደት ላይ እንደወጣ ለቀረው የሙያ አጋራችን ነፍስህ በሰላም ትረፍ። የህውሃትን ወከባ እና አፈና አመለጥኩ ሲል በዚህ መልኩ መሞት ግን ህይወት አንዳንዴ ለምን በጣም ብዙ ጊዜ በየዋሃን ላይ እንደምትጨክን ያሳያል። የሚሊዮን ሞት ለቤተሰቡ እና ለሙያ አጋሮቹ ምን ያህል ከባድ እንደሆነ ከራሴ ልምድ አውቀዋለሁ። ወይ ነዶ ስደት ለወሬ አይመችም። ለሚሊዮን ቤተሰቦች፡ወዳጆች እና የሙያ ባልደረቦች መጽናናቱን ይሰጣችሁ ዘንድ ምኞቴን እየገለጽኩ ይህ በስልጣን ላይ ያለው መንግስት ወይ ልብ ይስጠው ወይ ደግሞ መጨረሻውን ያቅርበው፡ አሜን።

ጋዜጠኛ ሚሊዮን በመጨረሻዎቹ ሰዓታት….
የሚሊዮን አሟሟት እንዳስረዳችሁ ለጠየቃችሁኝ …
ጋዜጠኛ ሚሊዮን ሹሩቤ በኢትዮጵያ ነጻ ፕሬስ ከ12 አመት በላይ የሰራ ወጣት ጋዜጠኛ “ነበር”፡፡ በነሃሴ ወር ውስጥ በመንግስት ወከባ ህይወቱን ከእስር ለማትረፍ ተሰዶ ወደሀገሩ በሳጥን ለመመለስ እየጠበቀ ያለ ወጣት ኢትዮጵያዊ ጋዜጠኛ…ሚሊዮን፡፡ ተስፋ የነበረው ስደተኛ ጋዜጠኛ የመልካም ባህሪ እና ስብእና ባለቤት የነበረው ሚሊዮን፣ ስለሀገሩ ፍቅር ብዙ መሰናክሎችን ሊጋፈጥ ስደትን መርጦ ባሰበበት ሳይሆን በታሰበለት ሊኖር የተገደደው ሚሊ እንደወጣ በሰው ሀገር ልጄን እህቶቼን ቤተሰቦቼን ሃገሬን እንዳለ በድንገት
Wednesday, October 8, 2014
Ethiopian Court Sentenced Three Magazine owners in Absentia: RSF
federal supreme court yesterday sentenced three magazine owners in
absentia to more than three years in prison on charges of “inciting
violent revolts, printing and distributing unfounded rumours and
conspiring to unlawfully abolish the constitutional system of the
three, who fled the country when the prosecution was mooted, are
publisher Endalkachew
publisher Gizaw
and Fact
publisher Fatuma
Their jail terms range from three years and three months to three
years and eleven months.
justice ministry announced in August that it was bringing
criminal charges against these three magazines and three other
weeklies – Enqu,
and Afro-Times.
sentences imposed on these three magazine owners are shocking,”
said Cléa Kahn-Sriber, the head of the Reporters Without Borders
Africa desk. “The clearly outrageous grounds for their conviction
are indicative of how a very authoritarian regime is manipulating the
justice system. This type of persecution amounts to banning
independent media in Ethiopia altogether.”
authorities have been stepping up their persecution of news and
information providers for the past several months. Six
bloggers and three journalists (including an Addis
reporter) have been held since April. After repeated postponements,
their trial is now scheduled for 15 October.
June, 18
journalists were fired from Oromia
Radio and Television Organization (ORTO),
the main state-owned broadcaster in Oromia, Ethiopia’s largest
region, for supposedly having “narrow political views.” The
dismissal order came from the government.
is ranked 143rd out of 180 countries in the 2014
Reporters Without Borders press freedom index.
Source: RSF
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